Global-Britain Announces Partnership with BExA

    Global-Britain Announces Partnership with BExA
    Global-Britain announces partnership with BExA

    Global-Britain is delighted to announce an official partnership with the British Exporters Association (BExA). Established in 1940, BExA is a national trade association representing the best interests and priorities of British exporters.

    BExA will be a significant partner on Global-Britain’s major publishing project, ‘Business Strategy for Brexit,’ that will provide mission critical intelligence for industry covering the exposure of Brexit across key sectors, and the kind of contingencies businesses can put in place to successfully navigate the transformation.

    This publishing project aims to enhance business management and adaptation of the Brexit landscape, helping businesses to make informed decisions in the years to come. BExA will contribute significant value to the project, providing great insights for the British exporters community by covering topics such as finance and insurance, international supply chain and EU import tariffs.

    Global-Britain business strategy for Brexit is the authoritative new resource for UK businesses in preparation of Brexit. Global-Britain provides analysis and expert industry opinion surrounding the possible shape of Britain’s future trade agreements with both EU and non-EU countries. Global Britain will work closely with BExA to discern what these new trade agreements will mean for exporters nationwide.

    As the months unfold, Global-Britain business strategy for Brexit will continue to inspire positive discussions about the implication of Brexit across key sectors involving major government bodies and industry professionals.

    Independent from political affiliations, Global-Britain business strategy for Brexit is promoting the most favourable outcome to Brexit reporting on what the best deal for the City of London might look like and promoting the UK as a global free trade champion.

    In addressing the new landscape of trade between the UK and the rest of the world, Global-Britain business strategy for Brexit will produce a series of special business strategy reports, each produced in partnership with leading trade groups and industry bodies including BExA.